Benny the Broccoli

Benny The Broccoli And The Peppermill Hotel: A Case Study

Peppermill Hotel value the health of families and children and were eager to be the first to be involved in the ‘Benny the Broccoli’ pilot study to make healthy changes to their kids menu items.

The Peppermill Hotel sell in excess of 300 kids meals each week, so were an ideal local restaurant to implement the Benny the Broccoli program. They were eager to be involved, as “we value the health of our patrons and their families and want to offer healthy options where we can. We’re really pleased with the results so far”.

Through some simple changes to their menus, The Peppermill Hotel was able to add the Benny Broccoli sticker to 4 of their 8 kids menu items:

  • Grilled Fish with Salad/Vegetables
  • Mini Burger with lettuce, cheese and tomato
  • Roast with Vegetables
  • Lean Mince Spaghetti Bolognaise

In addition, adding a healthy dessert option of fruit salad cups. Vegetables and salad were included in the side options and positive messaging was placed around the Hotel, showcasing to parents what the meaning behind Benny the Broccoli was.

After the initial trial period of 4 weeks, The Peppermill Hotel reported that:

  • 15% increase of purchasing vegetables as a side
  • Decreased selection of chips as a side
  • Increased purchasing of items with Benny the Broccoli sticker

Cafés and restaurants are an ideal location to make positive health and wellbeing changes to their menus. Simple changes assist in informing their customers about the healthy options on their menus, as well as:

  • Enhance their market position by securing contracts with organisations who want to provide healthy food and drink options for their staff and visitors;
  • Attract new customers who are more health-conscious;
  • Enhance innovation with opportunities to create new menu items or expand existing product lines and
  • Establish themselves as a leader of providing healthy food and drinks within the retail food outlet industry

Benny the Broccoli has been designed to use as an icon demonstrating healthy food items on kids menus.

Should you wish to be involved in the next stages of this program and would like support in creating a healthier kids menu for your café or restaurant, please be in touch:

Phone: (03) 5832 9431